Create B2B insights with SUMMETIX

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To break through the noise in B2B marketing, you need unique and engaging content. Leading companies often release reports like “The Future of Work”, “Top trends in Logistics” etc to create engagement. 

To develop a report, you usually commission a marketing agency. They conduct desktop research, interview clients, write most of the content, and design the report. The research work often takes a lot of time, even for the most experienced agencies. And a big chunk of this time is devoted to waiting.

We estimate that about a third of report production time is currently spent on various desktop research activities. 

When you use SUMMETIX to analyze data, you quickly uncover new insights that are worth sharing. When combined with your expertise, and the expertise of your clients – this forms the foundation to impactful content. 

In short, with SUMMETIX, you can create B2B insights and complement the use of agencies by:

  • Analyse large data volumes fast – finding key insights for a report
  • Interviews used to add colour to insights based on actual data – rather than speculation
  • Helping you demonstrate insight capability to prospective clients – showing that you can bring something new 

It doesn’t stop there though. If you are a research agency, SUMMETIX helps you test hypotheses and create B2B insights that are more impactful.

We believe these use cases are strong, and leading firms are using SUMMETIX today to gain new insights. Reach out to us today to learn more – either via a direct message or the form on our website:

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